Recent research shows that people nowadays spend almost 90% of their time in closed spaces. In this situation, the HVAC&R system must be able to guarantee comfort, energy efficiency and the health of the occupants.
Comfort, in other words maintaining the right internal hygrothermometric conditions for human occupancy, for a long time was the only parameter for assessing the suitability of a system.
Over the years, thanks also to the evolution in regulations, energy efficiency has taken on a significant role in guaranteeing the sustainability of the building-system as a whole.
The future challenge for tertiary systems will instead focus on the issue of people's health: guaranteeing air with a high degree of purity (free from dust, substances, microorganisms) and therefore high standards of IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) of the environments.
The “service sector” application covers a multitude of situations such as hotels, offices, shops, banks, restaurants and cafés, shopping centres and multi-purpose structures. The mechanical systems – and therefore the air conditioning units – have to adapt to the specific needs.
The future challenge for tertiary systems will instead focus on the issue of people's health: guaranteeing air with a high degree of purity (free from dust, substances, microorganisms) and therefore high standards of IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) of the environments.
In the context of systems for the service sector, FAST specialised support takes the form of units with the following main expedients for the specific application:
- availability and competence to study the best acoustic solutions for air conditioning units: identification of the most suitable casing, the least impacting noise sources (generally fans) and passive containment systems (silencers and / or acoustic barriers). All with the possibility of testing and testing at the Group's acoustic laboratories.
- flexibility in the construction of the units to adapt to narrow passage spaces or cramped technical rooms (theaters are often subject to plant redevelopment but the architectural structures are subjected to historical constraints)
- availability of all possible systems for recovering energy from expelled air to transfer it efficiently to the fresh air
- effective air quality monitoring systems (CO2 and VOC )
Via Luppia Alberi 170 – 35044
Montagnana (PD) - Italy
VAT 02375450281
Share capital € 2.900.000 i.v.
Phone (+39) 0429 – 806311
Fax. (+39) 0429 – 806340