

For over 30 years, FAST has been constantly committed to promoting the air treatment culture supporting the professionals in this sector with specific training programmes.

FAST is convinced that the only way of facing the latest challenges defined by recent legislation and standards, aimed at reducing the energy impact of systems in buildings, is with a profound knowledge of the products and the plant engineering skills of the professionals out in the field.

Investment in training is constant via:

  • courses held in the company by experienced teachers, both in dedicated physical classrooms and virtual ones (online), providing an attendance certificate and the course documentation. During these courses, guided tours of the production plant are organised so that those taking part can see for themselves the reality of what's explained in the classroom.
  • technical seminars arranged around the country in collaboration with the Association of Engineers, with the possibility to take advantage of Professional Training Credits

Get in touch with us for more information about the upcoming courses and technical seminars.