Air conditioning systems for industrial applications usually require highly customised solutions, depending on the process or the treatment to be carried out.
The main aspects of systems for industrial structures include:
– extreme variability of the requests (think for example of potentially explosive atmospheres) and the hygrothermometric treatment types to be carried out
- occasional need to treat very large amounts of air, which means oversized machines (which in turn are a challenge in terms of limiting air leakage and ensuring that the casing provides good mechanical resistance)
- the importance of finding efficient air treatment solutions to minimise return times on the investment, a highly sensitive aspect for the system provider
- the need to recover heat from energy sources already present on the site and often characterised by extreme conditions (e.g. heat recovery from fumes)
- the need for high certification standards for the product and the production processes, to guarantee the correct overall system certification procedure
The FAST specialised support support takes the form of units designed (in accordance with the engineer) with the following main expedients for the specific application:
- dedicated unit design by internal staff to identify the best technical solution even with an aggressive or potentially explosive atmosphere
- availability of all the possible systems that can recover heat from exhaust air or other energy sources
- Plug & Play solutions with an electrical and regulation panel assembled and wired on the machine, to minimise the on-site work and guarantee perfect equipment operation
Via Luppia Alberi 170 – 35044
Montagnana (PD) - Italy
VAT 02375450281
Share capital € 2.900.000 i.v.
Phone (+39) 0429 – 806311
Fax. (+39) 0429 – 806340