Led by Raffaella Riello (chair) and her husband Paolo Gasparini (Managing Director), in just a few years FAST has become a leading player on the market, with a series of innovative high-tech machines.
The founding of the company
FAST was set up in 1990 as a precise business choice of the Giordano Riello Group, based on the need to have an autonomous company at the peak of the specific air handling machine sector..
The company begins to expand
The company takes giant steps forward
A large but close-knit firm
Via Luppia Alberi 170 – 35044
Montagnana (PD) - Italy
VAT 02375450281
Share capital € 2.900.000 i.v.
Phone (+39) 0429 – 806311
Fax. (+39) 0429 – 806340
E-mail: info@fastaer.com