New thermodynamic heat recovery unit with inverter compressor (HRT range)

Nominal air flow rate from 1100 to 3200 m3/h

FAST è lieta di presentare le innovative unità di recupero di calore della serie HRT.  Esse rappresentano la soluzione ideale per il ricambio e il trattamento dell’aria in molte applicazioni (tipicamente uffici, bar, ristoranti, spogliatoi, ecc.).

Utilizzano il concetto di recupero termodinamico ad alta efficienza effettuato mediante circuito frigorifero integrato in pompa di calore dotato di compressore BLDC comandato da inverter. Quest’ultimo permette un elevato risparmio energetico, una elevata efficienza e al contempo permette l’immissione in ambiente di aria primaria senza fastidiose fluttuazioni della temperatura tipiche delle soluzioni ON-OFF.
Le unità sfruttano l’aria di espulsione come sorgente energeticamente vantaggiosa per il funzionamento del circuito frigorifero. L’aria di espulsione si trova infatti a condizioni più favorevoli rispetto all’aria esterna. L’efficienza del circuito frigorifero è aumentata grazie alle migliori temperature di evaporazione e condensazione del ciclo frigorifero e alla estrema riduzione delle fasi di sbrinamento.

During winter operation, the exhaust coil absorbs the heat from the exhaust air and condenses on the intake coil. Given the high evaporation temperature, the cooling cycle is very efficient.

During summer operation, outside air passes through the intake coil and the gas evaporates, taking away the heat from the delivery air. Condensation takes place on the exhaust coil as air passes through it at a relatively low temperature. Given the high evaporation temperature and low condensation temperature, the cooling cycle is very efficient.


1 - Reduced energy costs for ventilation
The absence of static recovery (replaced by thermodynamic recovery) limits the air side pressure drops and therefore the ventilation costs, which are the most significant item relating to the overall machine running costs. Ventilation is entrusted to plug fans with EC brushless motors that guarantee a high yield, simple flow rate adjustment, compact dimensions, versatility and easy maintenance.

2 - Compressor with inverter
The compressor has a BLDC motor driven by an inverter which assimilates the operating maps of the application. The use of this type of variable speed compressor allows the unit power to be continuously modulated, without any waste.

In terms of benefits, this means

  • environmental comfort for the people in the room, as the set delivery temperature is maintained
  • reduced consumption, especially in partial load operating conditions

3 - Advanced electronic management
The unit has a microprocessor and highly evolved software that:

  • maximises energy efficiency (smart device activation)
  • protects the devices by means of advanced functions (e.g. management of the compressor envelope)

The software enables:

  • temperature control (adjustment of the delivery temperature) via the management of the compressor and the auxiliary devices (the pre-heating coil, the supplementary coil, or both accessories). If the delivery setpoint is met by the outside air directed into the room, the compressor is switched off and the supplementary coil is not activated.
  • ventilation adjustment:

- the maintenance of a constant air flow on delivery (standard), or
- the maintenance of a constant air flow on delivery and intake (with the CPVR accessory), or
- modulation (varying fan rotation) on the basis of how dirty the exhaust air is (as measured by the CO2 probe) (Q unit version)


  • Micro USB port that can be used to update the application program or operating system, or to save the data loggers and alarms
  • Ethernet port 10/100Mbs/s (as standard) with the MODBUS TCP-IP protocol
  • Integrated web server (HTML standard and Javascript)

4 - Compact dimensions
The unit is particularly compact, making it ideal for:

  • replacing air renewal systems already installed in the buildings but not efficient enough (energy efficiency of the building and the system), or
  • completing the system with the necessary air renewal system (satisfying the Indoor Air Quality standards)

The dimensional optimisation is based on the painstaking study of fluid dynamics, but without penalising the air flow rates.
Installation is not only made easier by the compact dimensions, but also by the fact that the unit is a “plug & play” model - in other words, the regulation panel is already mounted, wired and tested in the factory.

5 - Wide choice of accessories
The unit can be completed with accessories that:

  • extend the operating limits: module with electric coil for pre-heating the outside air (MRE module accessory)
  • boost the effectiveness: version with internal hot/cold water coil with modulating 3-way valve (Q unit version)
  • improve the quality of the air: high-efficiency filter modules (MF5R, MF7M accessory)
  • control unit operation from a distance: remote panels (PRGD1 graphic version or PRGDX touch version)

For more information, click here.